Red Bandana   (Rhythm 137 )   Kip Garvey


4 ladies promenade, go walking round
Back home you swing that man, swing him round
Join hands and circle to the left and then
Left allemande that corner, gonna weave the ring
That red bandana tied around your auburn hair
Dosado and promenade the square
You ain't never gonna be no Bobby McGee
But you're trying to
And I can't change and live the way you want me to


Head (side) couples promenade and you go 1/2 way
Down the middle and a right & left thru, you turn I say
You flutterwheel and then sweep 1/4 more
Pass thru and dosado like you did before
Swing thru, the boys trade, turn thru you see
Left allemande and promenade for me
You ain't never gonna be no Bobby McGee
But you're trying to
And I can't change and live the way you want me to


Allemande and swing